Monday, August 31, 2009

First day of Kindergarten

Today was an emotional day for me. Stella had her first day of Kindergarten! She was super proud and excited even at 6 in the morning. Starting next week, she'll take the bus to school (more pictures to come) :) When I picked her up from school this afternoon she was excited to tell me about all of her new friends she made. I just can't believe how time goes so fast. I swear she was just a baby. I couldn't be prouder.


Rachel said...

I love the uniform and the cute short hair cut. She looks so grown up.

And then there were three.... said...

Ohhhh so cute!!! I love her uniform it makes her look even older. I can't believe how fast they are all growing up! Jackson starts school the Wed after Labor Day (I will be bawling!)