Sunday, November 2, 2008

Homecoming at the U of M

This Saturday was homecoming at the U of M. We had so much fun returning to the PKA house where Jack and I met and have many memories. Bringing the kids back there to watch the parade was a blast. We had a great time hanging out with college friends. It's so fun now to get together with everyone and their kids. Boy has life changed since we were last hanging out at this house!

Happy Halloween

Trick or treating was so much fun this year. Charlie was my little giraffe and was so darn cute. He wore his giraffe costume all day at day care and then all night trick or treating. He would have slept in it if we let him! Stella was Snow White and was very excited to wear real lipstick. It was fun watching them get so excited. Now I don't know what to do with all the candy around here!

Pumpkin carving

We had a lot of fun this year carving pumpkins. Charlie really liked scooping out the guts of his pumpkin. Stella wanted Snow White carved into her pumpkin, since that was what her costume was. That proved to be a pretty difficult design for carving- I wouldn't recommend it!


A couple of weeks ago, I had to send out a plea to many of my friends to come with me to the New Kids on the Block concert. Finally, my good friend Sarah agreed and we met some of my other friends from work at the concert. We had a great time singing all of the old songs and I even bought a souvenier t-shirt! I'm sure that someday Stella will think that I was really cool and will want to borrow it:)